Join Us to Help Local Communities
The greatest approach to getting to know a place is to interact with its natives and participate in its traditions. Whether it's sharing a meal with a local family, helping a community in need, teaching locals about the tourism industry, assisting students as a volunteer, or spending time with a minority tribe or village, it's the human connections we make in our travels that truly enrich our experiences.
Check what we have done to help local communities and join us together to help the locals!

My Odyssey Tours Cares
- Moral Lessons for Homeless Children in NepalTo further honor its 2017 CSR commitment, Odynovo has just supported an education program in Nepal this November, aiming to help orphanage children develop moral values.Read More
- Read a Story for Students in MyanmarAccording to the statistics from UNESCO, the average adult in Myanmar only receives 2.8 years of schooling. Even though Myanmar has laws stipulating that primary school education is free, due to the lack of government support, it is difficult for...Read More
- A School Visit in Malaysia: We Learn, We Play, and We'll Get Stronger and BetterUnited Learning Centre (ULC) in Malaysia is located in Bukit Bintang. It is a volunteered school providing children of Burmese refugees with education.Read More
- More Happiness Will be Created in BhutanFor centuries, the monasteries have provided a home and an education to thousands of Bhutan's poorest children. More than 4,000 children live and study in monasteries across the country, usually sent by parents who can't afford to feed their large...Read More
- A Constructive Step: Supporting a Skill Training Program in IndiaCSR is not all about donations and giving out money. It can be something more constructive, such as supporting a skill training program that enables people to help themselves with tour guide skills.Read More
- Sri Lanka School Visit: Different Countries, Same SmileSri Lanka seems to be set to accomplish its goal of ensuring that all children have the opportunity to attend school with the Sri Lankan population having a literacy rate of 92 percent by 2015, higher than that expected for a developing country....Read More

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